Jillian Fertig Biography Jillian Fertig is a native American journalist currently serving in Beaumont, Texas as a morning news anchor...
Famous People in USA
Karla Castillo Biography Karla Castillo is an American journalist currently serving as a news anchor at KBTX. She joined this...
Chelsea Andrews Biography Chelsea Andrews is a native American journalist currently serving as a meteorologist for Fox 7 in Texas,...
Carlo Falco Biography Carlo Falco is a native American certified broadcast meteorologist currently serving at KTBC Fox 7 News based...
Kenny Crumpton Biography Kenny Crumpton is a native American journalist and feature reporter for Fox 8. In 2013, he was...
Shelley Brown Biography Shelley Brown is a native American journalist currently serving for WVUE-TV FOX 8 News in New Orleans,...
Betsy Kling Biography Betsy Kling is a native American meteorologist currently working as a chief meteorologist at WKYC based in...
David Ushery Biography David Ushery is a native American tv news anchor currently working as an anchor at WNBC News...
Raphael Miranda Biography Raphael Miranda is a native American meteorologist currently serving for NBC 4 . Throughout her career, he...
Venessa Van Hyfte Biography Venessa Van Hyfte is a native American journalist and a reporter currently working as a general...